Water Resources

Wastewater Utility Asset Management Plan

The City of Apopka engaged CHA to complete the first phase of a wastewater utility asset management plan to support a State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan needed to finance ongoing expansion and upgrade of its water reclamation facility. The city’s wastewater collection system comprises 156 miles of 3-inch to 24-inch diameter gravity sewer lines. In the interest of time, the inventory of these assets was deferred to the second phase, as the failure of the gravity sewers would have much less severe consequences compared to the water reclamation facility, pressurized force mains, reclaimed water mains, and other mechanical components.

The updated asset management plan offers a comprehensive inventory of the city’s wastewater utility assets for future SRF loan applications and routine budget preparation. The plan includes the gravity sewer system and prioritizes a closed-circuit television inspection and repair program. New lift stations, force mains, and reclaimed water mains added to the system in the interim will also be incorporated into the asset database.

Project summary


The city's wastewater collection system comprises 156 miles.


Assessment of 5,000 gravity sewer infrastructure assets.


The city treats around 3 million gallons of wastewater every day.

Talk to an expert

Weston Haggen, PE*

Weston Haggen, PE*
Section Manager, Senior Project Manager

Get in touch

Weston is a seasoned professional with expertise in water and wastewater treatment, reclaimed water facilities, and water infrastructure. His skills include designing pipeline networks, lift stations, and potable water quality enhancements. Weston is also experienced in hydraulic modeling, flushing programs, infiltration and inflow studies, and data management.