Water Resources

Lead Services Line Inventory

New Smyrna Beach Utilities, which provides reliable service to an area of 71.9 square miles, engaged CHA to perform an asset inventory of services lines within its potable distribution system. CHA used current as-builts provided by the client, integrating them into ArcGIS, and employed a data collection system using Microsoft Excel. This comprehensive approach allowed CHA to create a detailed asset inventory assessment and review for the client’s service line assets.

Project summary


The total service area encompasses about 71.9 square miles.


Provides services to 30,000 residential and commercial customers.


Collective utilities are the third largest source of power in Florida.

Talk to an expert

Tim George

Tim George
Senior Vice President, Business Line Director

Get in touch

Tim has over three decades of experience in water environment and infrastructure issues, including wastewater, water, stormwater, and green infrastructure projects. He directs planning, design and project management activities, as well as strategic and business development initiatives.