Water Resources

Collection System and Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements

The BC Vaughan, Ballard’s Branch, and Fries Road pump stations, along with their force mains, in the City of Galax were over 40 years old and last upgraded in the early 1990s. The force mains for Ballard’s Branch and Fries Road were particularly prone to frequent failure. Each station required an assessment for current and future flows and necessary upgrades to provide reliable service for the next few decades.

CHA conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the three wastewater pump stations and a 3.0 MGD wastewater treatment plant. Additionally, we prepared preliminary engineering reports (PERs) outlining the improvements needed for these conveyance systems. For the city’s 3.0 MGD wastewater treatment plant, CHA developed a capital improvement plan identifying over $6.0 million in required upgrades and rehabilitations. This plan was reorganized to serve as the PER for the treatment plant.

CHA designed the wastewater treatment plant upgrades, while The Lane Group led the force main and pump station improvements. CHA submitted a funding application to the VDEQ Clean Water Revolving Loan Fund, securing an $8.3 million, 0% interest loan with a $0.5 million grant.

Project summary


Project costs total approximately $8.8 million.


Peak hydraulic capacity increased to 9.0 MGD.


Upgrades include new 3,000-foot force mains.

Talk to an expert

Tim George

Tim George
Senior Vice President, Business Line Director

Get in touch

Tim has over three decades of experience in water environment and infrastructure issues, including wastewater, water, stormwater, and green infrastructure projects. He directs planning, design and project management activities, as well as strategic and business development initiatives.